Thursday, July 19, 2007

The basic aims and goals of SAVE THE CHILDREN MACEDONIA

The basic aims and goals of SAVE THE CHILDREN MACEDONIA are:
-to provide the basic needs of the children, substantial to their very existence

-to provide a positive psycho-psysical development of the child's personality
"...the child should be fully prepared to live an individual life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity..."Convention on the Rights of the Child

-to protect the children of any political, economic, corporal or religious abuse and exploitation

-to help children to exercise their right of being directly involved in all decisions that are affecting their lives
Children's rights: A second chance looks at the impact that local, national and international policies and practices have had on children over the last decade.

-a right of an efficient educational system

-a right of free self-expresement.
This rights are very important for every chaild in the world. So respect the children and let htem live like they deserve.Teach them on every thing useful for their life.
Read this poem it's dreat.

A poem: Papi y Mami
My hands are small that's why I spill the milkeven though I don't want to.
My legs are short, please wait for me and walk a little slower, so that I can walk with you.
Please look at me when I speak to you, that way I know that you are listening.
My feelings are fragile, don't scold me all day long.
Let me make mistakes without making me feel stupid,
Please remember that I am a child and not a small adult and at times I don't understand what it is you want of me,
I would like it very much if you would think of me Help me and listen to me.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Hellooo! I found one more person that has put the child's nature in the center of education, and that represents the children's rights.I like the contents that you picked up from Pedagogy.
Cmokic :)))
from Anita